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L’AZIENDA OLIVICOLA “Chicco d’oliva di Classe Quinta e Indirizzo B.Mercurio” s.r.l.  – via L.Galvani 5 – 95024 Acireale(CT)
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The Company

The olive company “Chicco d’Oliva” of the Classe Quinta & Indirizzo B. Mercurio s.r.l. cultivates olive trees and produces oil. The company covers various estates located on the Etna mountain. The company, in continuous expansion, currently covers 15 hectares all located in areas exposed to the hot sun of Sicily and therefore the greater part of the workings comes carried out manually. The olive crop usually begins in November and last until April. Traditionally, olive trees are beaten by hand to release the fruit. Once the olives have been picked, they are brougth to the olive mill and cold pressed on the same day, using the latest tecniques for always keeping the temperature of the product as low as possibile, so as to maintain fully its original characteristics.
Thanks to a mill stone we obtain a cold pressing. The favour is of friuts with a light sensation of piquant, the colour is yellew with some green reflection. It is recognized through the world for its low level of acidità (0.6%).
The Sicilian oil is distinguished for its high quality that is appreciated mainly to the tastino and it is not a case that many Sicilian production are rewarded withe the denomination of protected origin (DOP).
Our oil does not undergo any chemical treatments fot which the natural apolescence and light presence of bottom are synonymous of the autheticity of the product.
The Sicilian olives are also used in the production of table  olives, for this reason our company, the “Chicco d’Oliva”, annually allocates part of the harvest to the production of olive in salt brine from which we gain a patè extremely delicate and green stoned(pitted) olives in Extra_Virgin olive oil.
Chicco d’Oliva has moreover a shop on line at the site www.davidegullotta.it/aereadiprogetto.
We offer services-flexible ordering and speedy delivery; ourproducts are easily shipped and stored.



This site is the result of an area of project of the class V B Mercurio of the Technical High school "A.Majorana" of Acireale in the a.s. 2007/2008.

The content and the shopping cart are the result of what students learnt in the classroom. The names of the products and the prices are pure imagination and do not reflect the reality. The reference to existing commercial products is to be considered purely random.


Battiato Andrea
Bua Claudio
Calabretta Alfio
Campione Carmela
Cavallaro Lucrezia
Chiarenza Viviana
Chisari Sebastiano
Grasso Ivan Marco
Guglielmino Chiara
La Guzza Salvatore
Messina Antonino Alfio
Molino Emilia
Musumeci Lorella
Napoli Maria Cristina
Pennisi Margherita
Ponzio Sebastiano
Privitera Antonella
Privitera Samantha
Russo Simone Pietro
Saitta Giusi
Scandura Federica
Scuderi Rosa
Spadoni Cristina
Spina Salvatore


a thanks to:
teacher Nunzia Bella
teacher Daniela Lazzaroni
teacher Davide Gullotta